2023 Postal Promotions March 29
Presented by Kevin Yost - TGI Direct and Roman Godlewski - US Postal Service
2022 Membership Video
Click: PCC Membership Promo Video | PostalPro (usps.com)
Candid responses from PCC members about the benefits of joining a PCC.
Visit us at www.detroitpcc.com to see whats happening with your local Detroit Postal Customer Council.
Thank you for choosing the Postal Service and we look forward to partnering with you in the future.
Photo Series
Seamless Acceptance for Full Service Mar.11, 2021
Detroit PCC - Seamless Acceptance for Full Service mailers
Date: Mar 11, 2021 09:27 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
To share the recording with the integrated audio transcript:
(Access Passcode: 3N#3!1Dk) Using the access code – you must actually type in the code - copy-paste will not work.
Presentation Link Seamless_Acceptance_Final_PCC_32021_Shared.pptx1.99 MB25/03/2021, 11:31
For Additional Resources on Seamless, please follow the links below to PostalPro:
The Postal Service will host Bi-weekly Webinars on Seamless Acceptance/Full-Service Automated Verification.
Join us for the Seamless Acceptance/Full-Service Automated Verification Informational Webinar Sessions beginning Tuesday, March 23, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST.
Bi-Weekly Seamless Acceptance/Full-Service Automated Verification Webinar beginning March 23, 2021 @ 2 PM EST
- Meeting ID: 161 979 1245
- Password: 170294
- If requested, enter your name and email address.
- Enter meeting password: 170294
- Join Audio by the options below:
- Call using Internet Audio
- Dial: 1-855-860-4313, 1-678-317-3330 or 1-952-229-5070 & follow prompts